Featured Images

Color posts 30
Looking Over the Orientale Basin

Looking Over the Orientale Basin

Indian Ocean as seen from lunar orbit (2015-12-10 06:00:29.202 UTC). NAC high-resolution monochrome image merged with WAC lower-resolution color observations. North is to the left, Antarctica to the right, Australia at the top, and...

Published on 07 Apr 2023

"Oceanus Procellarum Base Here - The Eagle Has Landed"

"Oceanus Procellarum Base Here - The Eagle Has Landed"

In 1969, NASA published a map showing candidate Apollo 11 and Apollo 12 landing sites. The map was based on photographs taken using large Earth-based telescopes. The map above, based on an LROC global image mosaic, is a near-copy of...

Published on 09 Aug 2019

Hawke Crater

Hawke Crater

Hawke crater, 13.2 km wide, is noticeably tilted because the impactor - an asteroid or a comet - that excavated it struck the sloping inner wall of Grotrian crater. Visible are light-colored rays that attest to the crater's youth, as...

Published on 03 May 2018

Color of the Lassell Massif

Color of the Lassell Massif

A shock of color on the Moon! The Lassell Massif (a so-called "red spot") in Mare Nubium appears orange in the center of this WAC color composite image. The image was derived by assigning red to 689 nm, green to 415 nm, and blue to 321...

Published on 12 Sep 2016

Looking Over The Limb

Looking Over The Limb

The Earth straddling the limb of the Moon, as seen from above Compton crater. The large tan area in the upper right is the Sahara desert, and just beyond is Saudia Arabia. The Atlantic and Pacific coasts of South America are visible to...

Published on 18 Dec 2015

Resolved Hapke Parameter Maps

Resolved Hapke Parameter Maps

LROC Wide Angle Camera (WAC) color composite mosaic of the Moon, photometrically normalized using new Hapke parameter maps. Red: 689 nm, green: 415 nm, and blue: 321 nm band; latitude 55°S to 55°N, longitude -68.6° to 41.4°E.

Published on 28 Sep 2014

Stopped In Its Tracks

Stopped In Its Tracks

Color-shaded relief image of a tongue-like flow formed from Orientale ejecta near Buffon crater (centered at 227.320°E, 45.849°S). Image shows a portion of the NAC DTM "Buffon", downsampled and cropped for web-browsing. Elevations range...

Published on 11 Feb 2014

A Colorful History of Floor-Fractured Komarov

A Colorful History of Floor-Fractured Komarov

A small, fresh crater dots the wall of a fracture in the floor of Komarov crater. Image taken from LROC NAC frame M130653607. Image width is approximately 2.5 km [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 23 Jan 2014

Chang'e 3 Lander and Rover From Above

Chang'e 3 Lander and Rover From Above

LROC NAC view of the Chang'e 3 lander (large arrow) and rover (small arrow) just before sunset on their first day of lunar exploration. LROC NAC M1142582775R, image width 576 m, north is up [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 30 Dec 2013

That's a Relief

That's a Relief

A color coded shaded relief map of a symmetrical mountain located in Mare Ingenii and centered at 35.969°S, 164.497°E. This peak is approximately 2.5 km in diameter and 230 meters tall. The colors represent elevation; high elevations...

Published on 01 Oct 2013

Wrinkled Reiner Gamma

Wrinkled Reiner Gamma

LROC NAC color shaded relief (centered at 301.240°E, 7.416°N) showing part of a wrinkle ridge crosscutting the Reiner Gamma formation. Color represents elevation; derived from NAC DTM "REINER4" [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 17 Sep 2013

Karpinskiy Crater

Karpinskiy Crater

LROC WAC mosaic overlaid with GLD100 color topography map, Karpinskiy crater is ~90 km diameter. North is roughly in the up direction, black portion is terrain without GLD100 coverage [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 20 Aug 2013

Snapshots From Space

Snapshots From Space

Astronaut Cernan (UR, LR), Evans (UL, LR) and Schmitt (LL) relaxing in the Apollo 17 Command Module America after Cernan and Schmitt returned from three days of exploring the magnificent Taurus Littrow valley [NASA/ Arizona State...

Published on 25 Jul 2013

Cinder Cone, Impact Crater, or Something Else?

Cinder Cone, Impact Crater, or Something Else?

A circular feature piques curiosity and encourages speculation (15.228°S; 350.923°E). NAC frame M160010100R, illumination is from the east, north is up, image is ~1.8 km wide [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 13 Mar 2013

Southside, Aristarchus Crater

Southside, Aristarchus Crater

SE Aristarchus crater (40 km diameter) viewed obliquely from an altitude of 135 km, M1096850878LR [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 25 Dec 2012

Lopsided La Pérouse A

Lopsided La Pérouse A

One side of the floor of La Pérouse A is covered by a landslide of highland material. NAC image M152390311L, image width 470 meters [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 18 Sep 2012

A Recent Journey

A Recent Journey

A large boulder stopped on its way down a sloping wall in the central peak complex of Schiller crater (51.8°S, 40.0°W). Illumination from the north, image is ~500 m across, NAC M109502471L [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 07 Feb 2012

Lunar Topography - As Never Seen Before!

Lunar Topography - As Never Seen Before!

LROC WAC color shaded relief of the lunar farside (NASA/GSFC/DLR/Arizona State University).

Published on 16 Nov 2011

Another small volcano?

Another small volcano?

Along the embayed Eddington crater rim is an ~1.5 km dome that may be an ancient volcano with a summit pit crater. LROC NAC M148618400R, image width is 960 m [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 27 Apr 2011

Barnstorming Linné crater

Barnstorming Linné crater

Color coded shaded relief map of Linné crater (2.2 km diameter) created from an LROC NAC stereo topographic model. The colors represent elevations; cool colors are lowest and hot colors are highest [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 14 Mar 2011