Featured Images

Color posts 30
Dark streaks in Diophantus crater

Dark streaks in Diophantus crater

Northern flank of Diophantus crater. LROC NAC M124797072L, 0.56 m/pixel, image width is about 678 m. Illumination is from the bottom of the image, downslope direction is from top to bottom of the image [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 23 Feb 2011

Slipher Crater: Fractured Moon in 3-D

Slipher Crater: Fractured Moon in 3-D

Over time, the surface of the Moon fractures and buckles as it cools and shrinks, resulting in spectacular landforms. Stereo images provided by the LROC NAC allow a detailed look at these amazing features; view is to the east,...

Published on 12 Oct 2010

Rainbows on the Moon

Rainbows on the Moon

With the Sun exactly overhead, the illumination conditions and viewing angles of the LROC WAC create a rainbow effect in this image. 689 nm filter in red, 643 nm filter in green, and 604 nm filter in blue, from image M109168446C. Scene...

Published on 01 Oct 2010

Color of the Moon

Color of the Moon

The LROC WAC is busily mapping the Moon in 7 UV and visible wavelengths (320 nm through 689 nm). This color composite shows 320 nm light in blue, 415 nm in green and 689 nm in red, scene is ~1000 km wide [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State...

Published on 10 Sep 2010

Up from the depths

Up from the depths

Close up view of the central peak of Aristarchus crater, 700 meters wide, NAC M122523410 [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 19 Jul 2010

The Earth from the Moon

The Earth from the Moon

The Earth as seen from the Moon! LROC NAC mosaic of images snapped on 12 June 2010 during a calibration sequence, E130954785L and E130954785R [NASA / GSFC / Arizona State University].

Published on 24 Jun 2010

Orientale Basin

Orientale Basin

The Orientale basin is the youngest of the large lunar basins. The distinct outer ring is about 950 km from east-to-west, the full width of the LROC WAC mosaic is 1350 km [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 17 Jun 2010

Hunting for Ancient Lunar Impact Basins

Hunting for Ancient Lunar Impact Basins

Fig. 1: A lesser-known impact basin, Freundlich-Sharonov, is visible in this Digital Terrain Model (DTM) made from LROC WAC stereo images, and darker shades represent lower elevations than brighter shades. The diameter of the...

Published on 09 Jun 2010

 A Digital Terrain Model of the  Orientale Basin

A Digital Terrain Model of the Orientale Basin

A Digital Terrain Model (DTM) of the large Orientale Basin (1100 km diameter), located on the western hemisphere of the Moon, produced from stereo LROC WAC images. The image shows the hill-shaded, color-coded DTM with heights varying...

Published on 20 Jan 2010

First LROC Images!

First LROC Images!

Full resolution detail from one of the first LROC NAC images. At this scale and lighting, impact craters dominate the landscape. Two general types of impact craters are readily identifiable. Solitary craters which most likely represent...

Published on 02 Jul 2009