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Craters posts 815
First Look: Chang'e 6

First Look: Chang'e 6

This image from NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera shows Chang'e 6 in the Apollo basin on the lunar farside on 07 June 2024. The lander is seen as the small cluster of bright pixels in the center of the image. Image is 552...

Published on 14 Jun 2024

Another Close Encounter!

Another Close Encounter!

Hard to find, but centered here, you can see a fuzzy view of the Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) lunar orbiter, Danuri, as it flew just 8 kilometers below LRO. Image width about 3000 meters,  NAC M1464323568...

Published on 05 Apr 2024

A Lunar Island Surrounded by Lava

A Lunar Island Surrounded by Lava

Color-shaded relief map showing the elevations of the Western Crisium Kipuka (WCK) located on the western edge of Mare Crisium. The elevation ranges from -4,218 m (blue) to -3,195 m (red) [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 01 Apr 2024

Intuitive Machines IM-1 On The Moon!

Intuitive Machines IM-1 On The Moon!

The Intuitive Machines IM-1 Nova-C, known as Odysseus, touched down on the Moon Thursday, 22 February, at 23:23:53 UTC (17:23 CST). The arrow indicates the Nova-C lander; the image width is 973 meters, NAC M1463440322L...

Published on 26 Feb 2024



The SLIM lander on the lunar surface (13.3160°S, 25.2510°E, -912 m elevation). The image is 880 meters wide, and north is up, LROC NAC M1460739214L [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 26 Jan 2024

IM-1 Landing Region

IM-1 Landing Region

IM-1 landing region, the map is 1870 meters wide; north and nearside are towards the top, 1.70 meters per pixel. NAC M1435274280LR [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 19 Jan 2024

Luna 25 Impact Crater

Luna 25 Impact Crater

During the descent to the surface, the Russian spacecraft Luna 25 experienced an anomaly that caused it to impact into the southwest rim of Pontecoulant G crater on 19 August 2023 11:58 am UTC (14:58 Moscow time). Image is 1100 meters...

Published on 29 Nov 2023

On the Way to Shioli Crater

On the Way to Shioli Crater

The upcoming Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) lunar lander will touchdown in the vicinity of Shioli crater (center foreground, 210-meter diameter).  The bright interior and rays indicate a very young age for this crater...

Published on 07 Nov 2023

Gruithuisen: Collapsed Lava Tube?

Gruithuisen: Collapsed Lava Tube?

The spectacular sinuous landform shown above is thought to be a collapsed lava tube (34.7°N, 316.6°E), located near Gruithuisen K crater. NAC controlled mosaic containing images M1173350480L/R, M1173357586L/R [NASA/GSFC/Arizona...

Published on 06 Oct 2023

Mysteries Remain Frozen in our Celestial Backyard

Mysteries Remain Frozen in our Celestial Backyard

Traversability conditions and landing site assessment map for the lunar south polar region. The percentage of time that the surface will be illuminated and visible to the Earth is modeled for the expected Artemis timeframe (July 9, 2024...

Published on 13 Jun 2023

Impact Site of the HAKUTO-R Mission 1 Lunar Lander

Impact Site of the HAKUTO-R Mission 1 Lunar Lander

HAKUTO-R Mission 1 Lunar Lander impact site, as seen by LROC the day after the attempted landing. LROC NAC image M1437131607R [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 23 May 2023

Tycho: A Model Central Peak

Tycho: A Model Central Peak

Color-shaded relief map showing elevations for the central peak of Tycho crater. Black areas indicate shadows in the stereo images, where no topography could be extracted [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 29 Mar 2023

Malapert Massif

Malapert Massif

Malapert massif (informal name) is thought to be a remnant of the South Pole - Aitken basin rim, which formed more than 4 billion years ago.  More recently, this magnificent peak (lower left) was selected as an Artemis 3 candidate...

Published on 14 Mar 2023

Three Impact Events

Three Impact Events

Spectacular 4500-meter diameter crater (10.67°S, 225.82°E) formed at the intersection of the rims of Lowell W crater (18-kilometer diameter) and the Orientale basin (750-kilometer diameter). Impact melt and debris spilled from the low...

Published on 20 Feb 2023

Thousands of Thrust Faults!

Thousands of Thrust Faults!

Prominent lobate thrust fault scarp in the Mandel’shtam cluster, one of the thousands discovered in Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) images. The fault scarp or cliff is like a stair-step in the lunar landscape formed when the...

Published on 14 Feb 2023

Ancient Impact Melt

Ancient Impact Melt

Lobate margin of ancient impact melt flow within a nameless farside crater, 45.84° S, 227.32° E, NAC M1117380495LR [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 28 Dec 2022

Apollo 17 Remains Unchallenged After Fifty Years

Apollo 17 Remains Unchallenged After Fifty Years

Fifty years ago, the Apollo 17 crew concluded a series of human exploration missions that remain, like their footsteps, some of the greatest achievements in human history. Apollo 17 handheld image (AS17-134-20382) of astronaut Harrison...

Published on 10 Dec 2022

Dramatic Contrast

Dramatic Contrast

The dark rim of Aristarchus crater (23.7°N, 312.5°E) dramatically highlights its bright interior and central peak. There are more than 2700 meters of relief from the rim to the crater floor, and the central peak is 3,000 meters wide...

Published on 01 Dec 2022

Far Flung Ejecta

Far Flung Ejecta

Far-flung ejecta (32.7°N, 99.7°E) from the Giordano Bruno impact event raced across a small mare deposit, leaving bright streaks and clues to the details of crater ray formation. This image was acquired looking west-to-east from an...

Published on 31 Oct 2022

Where is the South Pole?

Where is the South Pole?

Often hidden in shadows, the south pole (90°S, 0°E) occurs just inside the rim of Shackleton crater (20-kilometer diameter). This spectacular view, aimed at the pole, was acquired on 18 May 2022. The image is 2400 meters wide in the...

Published on 19 Oct 2022