The Firefly Blue Ghost lunar lander set down on 2nd March 2025. The landing site (arrow) is about 4000 meters from the center of Mons Latreille, a large volcanic cone. NAC M1495577008LR [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
The Firefly Blue Ghost lander is seen as bright pixel casting a shadow in the middle of the box (18.562°N, 61.810°E, -3650 meters elevation). The edge of Mons Latreille is visible in the lower left. Image is approximately 2600 meters wide in the center, north is to the right, NAC M1495577008LR [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
LRO was 175 kilometers east (19.294°N, 67.956°E) of the landing site when the NACs acquired this dramatic view of the landing site on 02 March 2025 at 17:49 UTC. Explore this fascinating volcanic terrain in the complete LROC NAC oblique (below).