Featured Images

The South Side of Tycho Crater
Get out your red/blue anaglyph glasses for a three-dimensional treat! This extreme closeup of the south side of 86-kilometer-diameter Tycho Crater shows melt flows and pools, small craters, sagging slopes that look like ripples,...
Published on 08 Oct 2018

Deflector Shields Up!
Part of the westernmost swirl feature in Mare Marginis. This closeup of the center of the anaglyph strip below highlights an area little more than five kilometers wide. Bright swirl areas appeared "painted on" the landscape. Part of NAC...
Published on 06 Sep 2018

NAC Anaglyph: Moore F Crater
Moore F is an impact crater in transition. Image width is about eight kilometers. NAC images M125720601L/R and M125713813L/R. [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University]
Published on 09 Aug 2018

NAC Anaglyph: Eimmart A Crater
Eimmart A, partially visible at lower right, has a split personality. Image numbers M1098422839L/R, M1098408548L/R [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
Published on 21 Jul 2018

NAC Anaglyph: Humboldt Crater Floor
A floor fracture and central peak structure on the floor of Humboldt Crater (207 km diameter) that formed directly after impact. Intrusive volcanic activity likely caused the floor of the crater to lift up and then fracture ...
Published on 06 Apr 2018

NAC Anaglyph: Rima Sharp
A bend in Rima Sharp, a sinuous rille that can be traced more than 250 km and spans the boundary between mare-filled Sinus Roris (to the north) and Oceanus Procellarum (to the south) [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
Published on 26 Jan 2018

NAC Anaglyph: Triesnecker Fractures
A graben (a negative relief feature) in Sinus Medii that is part of a complex fracture system named Rimae Triesnecker, which represents deep tectonic deformatoin of the crust [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
Published on 22 Sep 2017

NAC Anaglyph: Tsiolkovskiy Crater Terrace
A portion of the terraces that make up the southeastern wall of Tsiolkovskiy Crater. The "rough and tumble-down" appearance of the wall conveys the dynamic processes involved in impact cratering events of this magnitude...
Published on 11 Aug 2017

NAC Anaglyph: Haldane Crater
A fractured, bright, and fresh crater stands out on the floor of Haldane Crater, a 35 km diameter crater which has an unusual double-rim morphology on its eastern half. Possibly formed from a second, later impact [NASA/GSFC/Arizona...
Published on 04 Aug 2017

NAC Anaglyph: Secondary crater in Mare Australe
Secondary crater in Mare Australe. The bright spot to the west is a small, fresh 100 meter impact crater. [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
Published on 07 Jul 2017

NAC Anaglyph: Mare Shoreline in Apollo Basin
A portion of the southwestern mare "shoreline" in the Apollo basin on the farside. This contact between ancient lava plains and a remnant crater rim shows the lunar surface as a land of contrasts -- of expansive plains and jutting...
Published on 30 Jun 2017

NAC Anaglyph: van den Bos Crater
van den Bos is a small (22 km) floor-fractured crater on the lunar farside. The shallow floor of the crater is crossed with fractures rougly concentric to the crater walls. [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
Published on 23 Jun 2017

NAC Anaglyph: Dorsa Whiston
A distinctive wrinkle ridge in Oceanus Procellarum named Dorsa Whiston. Ridges like this one result from substantial compression within portions of the lunar maria [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
Published on 12 May 2017

NAC Anaglyph: Maunder Central Peak
Maunder Central Peak - created when Maunder crater (55 km in diameter) was formed. The central portion of the crater was initially compressed, then subsequently rebounded to form these large peaks which rise over a kilometer above...
Published on 07 Apr 2017

NAC Anaglyph: Manners Crater
Fresh material (bright streaks) is exposed along the wall of the relatively young Manners crater [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
Published on 31 Mar 2017

NAC Anaglyph: Mature 4 km crater in southern Mare Fecunditatis
Mature 4 km crater in southern Mare Fecunditatis. The irregular formation to the southwest is probably a secondary crater from crater Langrenus, 200+ km to the north-northeast [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
Published on 24 Mar 2017

NAC Anaglyph: "Bathtub Ring" of Lava
The pit-like Bawa crater (off-center left) is located on the edge of Lacus Solitudinus. The pit is congested with old lava and spiny, razerback ridges. The ridges are composed of debris that slumped from the upslope (western) wall above...
Published on 17 Mar 2017

NAC Anaglyph: Dorsum Cloos
Dorsum Cloos -- a wrinkle ridge signifying that substantial forces within the rocks have led to folding and faulting in eastern Mare Smythii [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
Published on 10 Mar 2017

NAC Anaglyph: Mare Frigoris Wrinkle Ridges
Wrinkle Ridges in Mare Frigoris - Wrinkle ridges are a response to a local mass concentration, while others, as in this case, may be due to global contractional stress [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
Published on 03 Mar 2017

NAC Anaglyph: Fissures in Bowditch Crater
A complex grouping of fissures in the mare-flooded Bowditch crater that were once likely sites of volcanic eruptions in this area. Bowditch crater is part of the lava-flooded region named Lacus Solitudinus [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State...
Published on 24 Feb 2017