Exposed Layers

Southern portion of Piton B crater wall. LROC NAC M168203756R, image width is 500 m, image center is 39.292°N, 359.883°E. North is down [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Piton B is a young, fresh crater (about 4.5 km diameter) located in northeast Mare Imbrium. Along the upper part of this young crater wall, you can find clear layering similar as seen in Meteor Crater at east of Flagstaff, AZ. The opening image highlights such layerings observed at the southern crater wall of Piton B. Notice that north is down in this image.

In the upper right corner of this image is a portion of the crater rim, downslope is toward the bottom. The relatively resistant layers discontinuously outline their horizontal expanses. Among them, the blocky outcrop at the center of this image shows the clearest bedding plane. The thinnest layers are roughly 3 to 4 meters thick, assuming a slope angle about 30°.

Layer thickness estimates from orbital views are not as accurate as geologists would make standing on the outcrop, but many measurements at multiple craters give a great estimate of the general layer thicknesses of the original lava flows. Knowing thickness of flows helps us understand the viscosity and flow rates of ancient mare volcanism.

Piton B and surrounding area in a LROC WAC monochrome mosaic (100 m/pix). Image center is 39.36°N, 359.94°E, image width is about 88 km. The blue box and the white arrow indicate the location of NAC frame and today's Featured Image [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Explore the fresh crater wall of Piton B in full NAC frame yourself!

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Published by Hiroyuki Sato on 14 November 2012