Pits Atlas: Lacus Mortis Pit

Mare pit: Lacus Mortis
Name Lacus Mortis Pit
Lat. 44.9608
Long. 25.6119
Desc. Large diamond-shaped pit with not-quite-vertical walls. The SW end is a slope from surroundings to floor. The W wall is covered by a debris slope, and the N wall has an overhang a few meters deep, with a back wall apparently visible. The apparent "funnel" is 40-60m deep (of the full pit's ~100m depth from the surrounding surface), there is no clear transition point to vertical wall, although there is an overhang point at ~60m depth. There is a graben ~1km NW, and a much large potential pit ~10 km WSW on the other side of the graben.
Terrain Mare
Host Feature Lacus Mortis
Funnel Min. Diam. 210
Funnel Max. Diam. 280
Inner Min. Diam. 110
Inner Max. Diam. N/A
Azimuth 110
Depth 60.0
Depth 1 N/A
Depth 2 N/A
Depth 3 N/A
Best Stereo Left M1317542330L
Best Stereo Right M1317542330L
Clipping Width 300
Other IMGs
Data Warning Depth is determined from stereo modelling; image 1/2/3 are merely useful views, note that image 3 is slewed to the north. Pit depth is calculated assuming a funnel depth of 40 m.
Entrance Ramp Y
Overhang Y
Nearby Pits? ?
Nearby Fractures? N
Nearby Depressions? Y
In Dome N
Beside Dome N
In Depression N
Colinear Pits N
Colinear Depressions N
Colinear Fractures N
Lacus Mortis Pit Shaded Relief
Lacus Mortis Pit Shaded Relief
Line 25650
Sample 2845
Inc. Angle 49.39
Emission Angle -1.53
Time 10.23
Resolution 0.48
Inc. Angle -46.47
Emission Angle 2.22
Time 12.11
Resolution 0.48
Inc. Angle 55.52
Emission Angle 32.73
Time 9.59
Resolution 2.02
Lacus Mortis Pit Stereo