Pits Atlas: Lalande 5a

Impact Melt pit: Lalande
Name Lalande 5a
Lat. -4.3408
Long. 351.4229
Desc. Rectangular pit, NE wall protrudes into pit interior (possibly as a ramp?). Smaller collapse features (pits?) 15 and 50 m NW, and 135m E.
Terrain Impact Melt
Host Feature Lalande
Funnel Min. Diam. 12
Funnel Max. Diam. 13
Inner Min. Diam. 6
Inner Max. Diam. 7
Azimuth 125
Depth 4.0
Depth 1 2.3
Depth 2 3.4
Depth 3 5.4
Best Stereo Left M172975608L
Best Stereo Right M172975608L
Clipping Width 200
Other IMGs
Data Warning Stereo is accidental and probably only works for manual viewing.
Entrance Ramp N?
Overhang ?
Nearby Pits? Y?
Nearby Fractures? Y
Nearby Depressions? Y
In Dome N
Beside Dome Y
In Depression N
Colinear Pits N?
Colinear Depressions Y
Colinear Fractures Y
Lalande 5a Shaded Relief
Lalande 5a Shaded Relief
Line 20735
Sample 1939
Inc. Angle 56.65
Emission Angle 0.82
Time 8.22
Resolution 0.5
Inc. Angle 16.38
Emission Angle -0.64
Time 10.92
Resolution 0.47
Inc. Angle -15.57
Emission Angle -2.33
Time 13.02
Resolution 1.03
Lalande 5a Stereo