Pits Atlas: Central Mare Fecunditatis Pit

Mare, Large Bowl pit: Mare Fecunditatis
Name Central Mare Fecunditatis Pit
Lat. -0.9182
Long. 48.6595
Desc. Elliptical pit with bowl-shaped floor partly covered in boulders. Walls are ~10 m high, funnel is ~15m deep. SE side is a slope from surface to center of floor with no boulders on it. NE side of floor is less bowl-shaped than the rest, but slewed image of that wall shows no evidence of any overhang. There are no notable features nearby.
Types Large Bowl
Terrain Mare
Host Feature Mare Fecunditatis
Funnel Min. Diam. 162
Funnel Max. Diam. 198
Inner Min. Diam. 100
Inner Max. Diam. 122
Azimuth 155
Depth 42.0
Depth 1 41.7
Depth 2 39.8
Depth 3 44.0
Best Stereo Left M1107968066R
Best Stereo Right M1107968066R
Clipping Width 300
Other IMGs
Data Warning
Entrance Ramp Y
Overhang N
Nearby Pits? N
Nearby Fractures? N
Nearby Depressions? N
In Dome N
Beside Dome N
In Depression N
Colinear Pits N
Colinear Depressions N
Colinear Fractures N
Central Mare Fecunditatis Pit Shaded Relief
Central Mare Fecunditatis Pit Shaded Relief
Line 24187
Sample 3736
Inc. Angle 57.55
Emission Angle -1.01
Time 8.16
Resolution 0.9
Inc. Angle -48.55
Emission Angle -1.92
Time 15.24
Resolution 1.05
Inc. Angle 59.61
Emission Angle 1.97
Time 8.03
Resolution 0.85
Central Mare Fecunditatis Pit Stereo