Pits Atlas: King 14

Impact Melt pit: King
Name King 14
Lat. 6.2784
Long. 119.7635
Desc. Diamond-shaped pit in a set of N-S trending fractures and sets of tiny pits joined by depressions. This pit is in the easternmost linear feature of the set, one of the aforementioned set-of-tiny-pits-joined-by-depressions, and has a ~30m-wide depression at the S end. Smooth floor with only a few >50cm rocks (possibly sloping down towards the center slightly?), no entrance ramps, although there are ~20m boulders at the N and S ends. Definite few-meter overhang under the W rim (M143832493L). No collapse features in the area other than the fracture/pit chains.
Terrain Impact Melt
Host Feature King
Funnel Min. Diam. 49
Funnel Max. Diam. 94
Inner Min. Diam. 38
Inner Max. Diam. 48
Azimuth 20
Depth 14.0
Depth 1 12.3
Depth 2 15.0
Depth 3 16.0
Best Stereo Left M143839277L
Best Stereo Right M143839277L
Clipping Width 200
Other IMGs
Data Warning
Entrance Ramp N
Overhang Y
Nearby Pits? Y?
Nearby Fractures? Y
Nearby Depressions? Y
In Dome N
Beside Dome N
In Depression Y?
Colinear Pits Y
Colinear Depressions Y
Colinear Fractures Y
King 14 Shaded Relief
King 14 Shaded Relief
Line 32261
Sample 1108
Inc. Angle 47.46
Emission Angle 0.33
Time 8.87
Resolution 0.62
Inc. Angle -35.11
Emission Angle 1.15
Time 14.29
Resolution 1.29
Inc. Angle -48.26
Emission Angle 2.11
Time 15.21
Resolution 1.27
King 14 Stereo