Pits Atlas: King 4a

Impact Melt pit: King
Name King 4a
Lat. 6.2066
Long. 119.7815
Desc. Elliptical pit, northeastern and larger of a pair of pits in a PRF. N wall has a collapse that has a chance of being traversable, especially if bouldering is acceptable. King 4b is 20m west, and there is a 45m long linear depression with a pair of <5m pits in it ~200m to the SW. There is a very fresh crater with bright ejecta ~120m west. No obvious proof that King 4a and 4b connect underground. There is probably another collapse in the east side of this PRF, ~20m SE of King 4a, only expressed as curved cliff on the west side of a circular depression. While no images exist with the correct lighting and slew to verify an overhang under the highest part of the PRF, a couple meters of overhang exist on the east (shallower) side.
Terrain Impact Melt
Host Feature King
Funnel Min. Diam. 22
Funnel Max. Diam. 28
Inner Min. Diam. 16
Inner Max. Diam. 20
Azimuth 55
Depth 6.0
Depth 1 7.2
Depth 2 5.5
Depth 3 5.8
Best Stereo Left M136762839L
Best Stereo Right M136762839L
Clipping Width 200
Other IMGs
Data Warning Depth 1 is extremely high-Sun
Entrance Ramp N?
Overhang Y
Nearby Pits? Y
Nearby Fractures? N
Nearby Depressions? Y
In Dome Y
Beside Dome N
In Depression N
Colinear Pits N
Colinear Depressions N
Colinear Fractures N
King 4a Shaded Relief
King 4a Shaded Relief
Line 29532
Sample 3667
Inc. Angle 14.08
Emission Angle 1.83
Time 11.21
Resolution 0.61
Inc. Angle 47.43
Emission Angle -0.21
Time 8.87
Resolution 0.62
Inc. Angle -48.27
Emission Angle 1.82
Time 15.21
Resolution 1.27
King 4a Stereo