Pits Atlas: North Procellarum 2 Pit

Mare, Large Bowl pit: Oceanus Procellarum
Name North Procellarum 2 Pit
Lat. 35.3433
Long. 314.3447
Desc. Nearly circular pit with short walls and deep, bowl-shaped, boulder-filled floor. There appears to be a break in the wall on the E side allowing access to the floor. No evidence of overhangs from floor shape, though the floor slope rising up to meet the NE wall may have a slight downturn in the last meter or two, suggesting that that wall may have recently been overhung. North Procellarum 1 is ~2km NNE.
Types Large Bowl
Terrain Mare
Host Feature Oceanus Procellarum
Funnel Min. Diam. 170
Funnel Max. Diam. 175
Inner Min. Diam. 155
Inner Max. Diam. 160
Azimuth 180
Depth 43.0
Depth 1 44.8
Depth 2 39.5
Depth 3 43.9
Best Stereo Left M1206329407L
Best Stereo Right M1206329407L
Clipping Width 400
Other IMGs
Data Warning Depth measurements may be from partway up the funnel.
Entrance Ramp Y
Overhang N
Nearby Pits? Y
Nearby Fractures? N
Nearby Depressions? N
In Dome N
Beside Dome N
In Depression N
Colinear Pits N
Colinear Depressions N
Colinear Fractures N
North Procellarum 2 Pit Shaded Relief
North Procellarum 2 Pit Shaded Relief
Line 23044
Sample 2739
Inc. Angle 63.03
Emission Angle 1.32
Time 8.29
Resolution 1.06
Inc. Angle -66.28
Emission Angle 0.91
Time 15.94
Resolution 1.04
Inc. Angle 60.28
Emission Angle -0.16
Time 8.47
Resolution 1.04
North Procellarum 2 Pit Stereo