Pits Atlas: North Procellarum 1 Pit

Mare pit: Oceanus Procellarum
Name North Procellarum 1 Pit
Lat. 35.4097
Long. 314.3602
Desc. Elliptical pit, similar to Ingenii/Compton. N wall is almost a slope from rim to floor, but there appear to be two layers of outcrop in the way. Floor is mostly bowl-shaped, and the center is filled with boulders. North Procellarum 2 is ~2 km WSW.
Terrain Mare
Host Feature Oceanus Procellarum
Funnel Min. Diam. 175
Funnel Max. Diam. 195
Inner Min. Diam. 108
Inner Max. Diam. 157
Azimuth 5
Depth 54.0
Depth 1 50.0
Depth 2 57.8
Depth 3 54.2
Best Stereo Left M1206329407R
Best Stereo Right M1206329407R
Clipping Width 400
Other IMGs
Data Warning
Entrance Ramp N?
Overhang ?
Nearby Pits? Y
Nearby Fractures? N
Nearby Depressions? N
In Dome N
Beside Dome N
In Depression N
Colinear Pits N
Colinear Depressions N
Colinear Fractures N
North Procellarum 1 Pit Shaded Relief
North Procellarum 1 Pit Shaded Relief
Line 23297
Sample 3771
Inc. Angle -46.58
Emission Angle 0.99
Time 14.04
Resolution 1.04
Inc. Angle 52.36
Emission Angle -2.13
Time 9.22
Resolution 0.94
Inc. Angle 58.14
Emission Angle -1.96
Time 8.73
Resolution 1.21
North Procellarum 1 Pit Stereo