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Bakeout complete!

With bakeout complete, the NACs were reactivated over the weekend to begin systematic calibrations.

Published on 13 Jul 2009

NAC Imaging Hiatus

The LROC NACs are powered down as we complete the final bakeout!

Published on 09 Jul 2009

New additions to the LROC Image Gallery!

We have added more of our favorite images to the LROC Image Gallery!

Published on 06 Jul 2009

A Bird's Eye View of the Moon

See a spectacular flyover of the lunar surface!

Published on 04 Jul 2009

LROC Commissioning Operations begin today!

LROC has begun commissioning operations!

Published on 03 Jul 2009

Ready for LROC commissioning operations

The LROC Science Operations Center (SOC) team is ready for commissioning imaging to begin once instrument bakeout is complete!

Published on 02 Jul 2009

LROC getting ready

Today the LRO Team powered up the LROC cameras for a few hours to collect engineering data.

Published on 30 Jun 2009

The LROC Public Targeting Interface is now live!

Share in the adventure as LRO leads the way towards returning humans to deep space!

Published on 29 Jun 2009

Nadir pointing!

LRO is now in nadir pointing mode (looking straight down at the Moon). Another key milestone on the path to instrument activation.

Published on 28 Jun 2009

LRO is now in commissioning orbit!

The LRO OPS Team successfully commanded a 231 second burn this morning that placed LRO into its 30 km x 199 km (19 mile x 124 mile) commissioning phase orbit.

Published on 27 Jun 2009

Current schedule for LROC Commissioning

Currently LRO spacecraft commissioning is going smoothly. If this trend continues LROC should be powered up on July 3rd and we can begin our commissioning tests.

Published on 25 Jun 2009

LROC Commissioning Phase Operations

During LRO's two-month commissioning phase, many special operations will take place to help prepare LROC and all of the instruments for their first year of operation.

Published on 24 Jun 2009

LROC Heaters and Focus

What does the LROC team need to do before imaging can commence? First, we need to dry out the NAC telescope structures so the cameras will be in focus.

Published on 23 Jun 2009

LRO in lunar orbit!

This morning the LRO Team at Goddard Space Flight Center commanded LRO to execute a 40-minute burn that placed LRO into lunar orbit!

Published on 23 Jun 2009

LRO Mid-Course Correction Burn

LRO mid-course correction burn successful!

Published on 20 Jun 2009

LRO Launches Successfully

LRO, carrying the LROC and LCROSS instruments was successfully launched at 5:32 U.S. Eastern. Congratulations!

Published on 18 Jun 2009

LRO Launch now set for Thursday at 5:12 pm EDT

The LRO/LCROSS Atlas V 401 will be rolled out of the Vertical Integration Facility towards the launch pad starting at 10 am this morning (June 17) in preparation for a launch...

Published on 17 Jun 2009

LRO Launch Window

The LRO launch window is currently in flux due to the slip of the Space Shuttle Endeavor launch. LRO is currently set for launch on the 18th, with a possible launch window of...

Published on 16 Jun 2009

LRO spacecraft model now available!

Future rocket scientists needed - some assembly required.

Published on 30 May 2009

NAC Cleanroom Calibration - Flatfield Images

Last year calibration of LROC Narrow Angle Cameras (NAC) took place at the Malin Space Science Systems (San Diego).

Published on 04 Mar 2009