LROC PDS Data Volume 7 Re-Release

The 7th LROC Planetary Data System release includes NAC and WAC images acquired from 2011-03-16 through 2011-06-15. This release contains 77,109 EDR images - totaling 9.5 TBytes, and 76,573 CDR images - totaling 19.7 TBytes.

These images were reprocessed to ensure the target body labels are correct.

This version changes 22 EDRs:

E161555182CE E161555163CE E161555125CE E161555144CE C156465474LE C156465622LE C156465635LE C156465664LE C156465385LE C156465690LE C156465549LE C156465417LE C156465405LE C156465586LE C156465535LE C156465461LE C156465598LE C156465676LE C156465745LE E161555039CE E161555106CE E161554585CE

This version changes 22 CDRs:

C156465474LC C156465622LC E161555144CC E161555182CC E161555163CC E161555125CC C156465385LC C156465690LC C156465417LC C156465549LC C156465405LC C156465535LC C156465598LC C156465676LC C156465586LC C156465461LC C156465745LC C156465635LC C156465664LC E161555039CC E161555106CC E161554585CC

Published by Nick Estes on 5 September 2018