The 11th LROC Planetary Data System release includes NAC and WAC images acquired from 2012-03-16 through 2012-06-15. This release contains 77,718 EDR images - totaling 9.1 TBytes, and 77,718 CDR images - totaling 18.8 TBytes.
These observations were reprocessed to ensure that the target body labels are correct.
This version changes 26 EDRs:
E189009994CE E192206020ME E192206231ME E192198604ME E192206077ME E192206250ME E192206096ME E192206288ME E192206115ME E192206193ME E192206174ME E192206058ME E192206212ME E192206134ME E192206269ME E192207439CE E192184663ME E192193102CE E192206039ME E192205750CE C192200072RE C192185582LE C192206823RE C192192869RE C192192490RE C192199689RE
This version changes 26 CDRs:
E189009994CC E192206020MC E192206077MC E192198604MC E192206231MC E192206058MC E192206193MC E192206096MC E192206115MC E192206174MC E192206212MC E192184663MC E192206134MC E192207439CC E192206250MC E192206288MC E192193102CC E192206269MC E192205750CC E192206039MC C192199689RC C192185582LC C192206823RC C192192490RC C192192869RC C192200072RC
Published by Nick Estes on 5 September 2018