Featured Images
Rima Marius Layering
Basalt layering is visible in the wall of this portion of Rima Marius. Image width is ~1.3 km, LROC NAC image M1103881010R [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
Published on 27 Jun 2013
High-reflectance ejecta and low-reflectance impact melt streamers surround this fresh impact crater. NAC M189994606LR, image width 2.25 km [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
Published on 18 Jun 2013
Concentricity in Apollo Basin
Portion of a concentric crater in Apollo Basin. Sun is incident from the right to the left. LROC NAC mosaic M1122245918LR, image width is 6.3 km [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
Published on 22 May 2013
March of Time
Small white blotch with black center (in center of image) is likely a new impact crater formed during the LRO mission. Inset in lower left (38 meters wide) shows 4x enlargement. NAC M1117799545, 480 meters wide [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State...
Published on 20 May 2013
Dating an impact
Some boulders are exposed in an impact melt sheet. How can these boulders help geologists understand more about the timing of impact? LROC NAC M1120322807L, image width is 1600 m [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
Published on 02 May 2013
The Fourth Mairan Dome
A volcanic dome in northeastern Oceanus Procellarum. LROC NAC M1119207667R, image is ~3.1 km across [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
Published on 17 Apr 2013
The twin GRAIL spacecraft impacted the Moon on 17 December 2012, LROC was able to image the impact craters on 28 February 2013 showing them both to be about 5 meters in diameter. Upper panels show the area before the impact; lower...
Published on 19 Mar 2013
Cinder Cone, Impact Crater, or Something Else?
A circular feature piques curiosity and encourages speculation (15.228°S; 350.923°E). NAC frame M160010100R, illumination is from the east, north is up, image is ~1.8 km wide [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
Published on 13 Mar 2013
Not Your Average Crater
An asymmetric impact crater (14.349°S, 350.977°E) on the Lassell Massif revealing low reflectance material. NAC frame M152939732L, illumination is from the northwest, north is up, image is ~820 m wide [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
Published on 12 Mar 2013
Debris Flows in Kepler Crater
This image shows the lower part of the northeast inner wall of the Kepler impact crater. Loose material is sliding down the inner crater from near the rim crest (upper right) and ponding on a part of the crater floor. LROC NAC...
Published on 06 Feb 2013
Meanders in Posidonius
Small portion of a S-shaped meandering rille on the floor of Posidonius Crater (31.93°N, 29.85°E, 100 km diameter) - a floor-fractured crater. The curves in the rille are very tight. LROC NAC M1098658474R [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State...
Published on 05 Feb 2013
Boulder Fields
Boulders of various sizes (a few meters up to ~20 meters across) scattered across the lunar surface. From where do the boulders originate? NAC M170605553LR, image width 510 m [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
Published on 30 Jan 2013
Boulders In The Sea Of Serenity
A wrinkle ridge in western Mare Serenitatis is littered with boulders and high-albedo (bright) areas. Image is ~1.5 km across, NAC M106826896L [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
Published on 09 Jan 2013
Tres Amicis
Three impact craters (125-180 m diameter) that may have formed in a contemporaneous impact event. NAC image M106827539L [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
Published on 04 Jan 2013
Taurus Littrow Valley, West-To-East
The magnificent Taurus Littrow valley seen obliquely from west-to-east by the LROC NAC. The Apollo 17 crew briefly explored portions of this valley 40 years ago this month. M1096343661LR, image ~10 km across the center...
Published on 19 Dec 2012
Approach to Taurus Littrow Valley
View similar to what the Apollo 17 astronauts saw as they approached their landing in the magnificent Taurus Littrow Valley. LROC NAC east-to-west oblique image pair, about 18 km wide in center, M192703697LR [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State...
Published on 12 Dec 2012
Physics is Fun!
A gradational distribution of boulders inside a crater. LROC image M176224625L, image width is 500 meters [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
Published on 04 Dec 2012
The Old and the Young in Tsiolkovskiy
A recent impact narrowly missed an ancient extensional crack in Tsiolkovskiy crater (18.97°S; 130.34°E). Its crater is in the lower left. NAC frame M161455429R, illumination is from the east, north is up, image is 800 m wide...
Published on 30 Oct 2012
Bounce, Roll, and Stop
Boulders bounced and rolled down the interior wall of the crater Shuckburgh E leaving a diagnostic trail. LROC NAC M141885094R, image is 655 meters across [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
Published on 24 Oct 2012
Surveyor 7 - America's Last Lunar Unmanned Lander
Surveyor 7, sitting on the ejecta blanket of Tycho Crater, was the last spacecraft of the Surveyor series, and the only to land in the lunar highlands. NAC M175355093L, image width is 500 m. Inset is zoomed 4x [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State...
Published on 07 Sep 2012