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Mountains posts 69
Apollo Basin: Mare in a Sea of Highlands

Apollo Basin: Mare in a Sea of Highlands

High resolution LROC image of floor of the Apollo Basin, a large (538 km diameter) double-ringed impact crater in the southern hemisphere of the far side. This image shows part of the boundary between  two flow units within the...

Published on 30 Mar 2010

Chain of secondary craters in Mare Orientale

Chain of secondary craters in Mare Orientale

A small secondary crater chain near the southwestern margin of Mare Orientale, within the Inner Rook Mountains. The ~125-meter-long chain lies within one of the Constellation Program regions of interest in the Orientale multi-ring...

Published on 29 Mar 2010

Near the Summit of Malapert Mountain

Near the Summit of Malapert Mountain

The lunar highlands exhibit rhythmic patterns thought to result from slow, downslope creep of the loose regolith (soil). These subtle patterns are most easily seen when the Sun is low to the horizon. Image is 2400 meters wide, north is...

Published on 22 Feb 2010

Montes Pyrenaeus meets Mare Nectaris

Montes Pyrenaeus meets Mare Nectaris

A contact between the dark basalt (left) of Mare Nectaris and the lighter anorthosite highlands (right) of Montes Pyrenaeus runs through the Constellation Program region of interest on the western rim of the Nectaris impact basin. ...

Published on 28 Jan 2010

Central Peak of Rutherfurd

Central Peak of Rutherfurd

LROC NAC view of boulders, on the floor of Rutherfurd crater, about to disappear into the shadows of dusk. Image width is 510 meters [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 20 Nov 2009

Mountains of the Moon

Mountains of the Moon

Most mountains on the Earth are formed as plates collide and the crust buckles. Not so for the Moon, where mountains are formed as a result of impacts. Images taken looking across the landscape rather than straight down really bring out...

Published on 17 Nov 2009

Exploring the Apollo 17 Site

Exploring the Apollo 17 Site

The Apollo 17 Lunar Module Challenger descent stage comes into focus from the new lower 50-km mapping orbit, image width is 102 meters [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 28 Oct 2009

Uplift, Boulders of Tsiolkovskiy

Uplift, Boulders of Tsiolkovskiy

Boulders perched on the summit of the central peak of Tsiolkovskiy crater [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 01 Sep 2009

First LROC Stereo Results

First LROC Stereo Results

Synthetic perspective view looking south from the Apollo 16 landing area, topography is rendered naturally (no vertical exaggeration) [NASA/GSFC/Ohio State University].

Published on 25 Aug 2009