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Craters posts 815
Mystery Rocket Body Found!

Mystery Rocket Body Found!

A rocket body impacted the Moon on 04 March 2022 near Hertzsprung crater, creating an apparent double crater, roughly 28 meters wide in the longest dimension. LROC NAC M1407760984R enlarged 3x [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 23 Jun 2022

The Ins and Outs of Secondary Craters

The Ins and Outs of Secondary Craters

Secondary craters and v-shaped ejecta. The largest crater at center is about 90 meters in diameter. LROC NAC image M1143115078RE, located at 4.549° S, 255.721° E [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 05 May 2022

Apollo 16 50th Anniversary: A New Landscape

Apollo 16 50th Anniversary: A New Landscape

A spectacular, labeled view of the Apollo 16 landing site between North Ray and South Ray craters in the Descartes Highlands, a new landscape for the crew and an exciting set of LROC team products to help celebrate the 50th anniversary...

Published on 20 Apr 2022

Lunar Terminator

Lunar Terminator

Western portion of Mare Moscoviense seen under extreme lighting, east-to-west view snapped 25 August 2019. The illuminated rim in the background is an unnamed crater 21 kilometers in diameter (24.2°N, 146.3°E); spacecraft altitude was...

Published on 15 Apr 2022

Traversing the Shackleton de Gerlache Ridge

Traversing the Shackleton de Gerlache Ridge

Amazing oblique view of the rim of Shackleton crater (on the left) and the Shackleton - de Gerlache ridge that runs from middle left to upper right. The south pole is near the small, sharp, bright crater on the rim of Shackleton (left...

Published on 01 Apr 2022

Schrödinger Vent - A Region Rich with Lunar Treats

Schrödinger Vent - A Region Rich with Lunar Treats

A digital terrain model (DTM) mosaic of the Schrödinger pyroclastic vent (centered at -75.27°N, 139.29°E - here in Quickmap ) located on the floor of Schrödinger basin where the elevation is relative to the average radius of the...

Published on 04 Mar 2022

NAC Anaglyph: Alphonsus Vent

NAC Anaglyph: Alphonsus Vent

A dike (subsurface magma body) was likely intruded under the floor of Alphonsus crater creating an array of fractures seen here. Image is 5700 meters wide, north is towards the top [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 19 Feb 2022

Topography of the Taurus-Littrow Valley

Topography of the Taurus-Littrow Valley

Color-shaded relief map of the Taurus-Littrow Valley (APOLLO17 DTM mosaic) made from eleven NAC stereo pairs [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 11 Feb 2022

A “Secondary” View of Copernicus

A “Secondary” View of Copernicus

NAC DTM showing a chain of Copernicus secondaries (15.5°N, 343.4°E). North is pointing right [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 04 Feb 2022

First to See the Farside

First to See the Farside

First photograph (BW) taken of the famous Apollo 8 Earthrise sequence, the following images were acquired with color film [AS08-13-2329, NASA].

Published on 24 Dec 2021

Apollo 15: A Mission of Many Firsts

Apollo 15: A Mission of Many Firsts

Highlights of the Apollo 15 landing site, as seen in LROC NAC image M175252641R. This image has a resolution of 27 cm/px, and shows an area of 262 m by 186 m. The Lunar Module is clearly visible, as are many tracks from the Lunar Roving...

Published on 30 Jul 2021

Boulder Tracks: Race to the Bottom of Chaplygin Crater!

Boulder Tracks: Race to the Bottom of Chaplygin Crater!

Boulders ejected from Chaplygin B crater rolled down the wall of the much larger Chaplygin crater (4.1ºS, 151.7ºE) leaving these spectacular tracks. Image 980 meters wide, north is up [NASA/GFSC/Arizona State University].

Published on 15 Jul 2021

Mass Wasting: Klute Crater

Mass Wasting: Klute Crater

Mass wasting in Klute Crater (36.79° S, 217.7°E)  NAC controlled mosaic containing images, M1155169631LR, M1155162511LR, M1155155392LR [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 26 Apr 2021

IMPs: Young Lunar Volcanism?

IMPs: Young Lunar Volcanism?

Irregular Mare Patch located inside Sosigenes Crater (8.7° N, 17.5° E), approximately 17 km across. NAC controlled mosaic containing images M1264703188L/R, M1264710221L/R, and M1264717254L/R [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 24 Feb 2021

Chang'e 5: After Blast Off

Chang'e 5: After Blast Off

Chang'e 5 descent stage seen just before sunset on 7 Februray 2021, M136736629LR [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 19 Feb 2021

Apollo 14 Fiftieth Anniversary!

Apollo 14 Fiftieth Anniversary!

Apollo 14 landing site (4.646°S, 342.528°E) showing the two extra-vehicular activities (EVAs; orange = EVA1 and teal = EVA2) with stations (pink triangles), and geologic features (white dots). 

Published on 05 Feb 2021

First Look: Chang'e 5

First Look: Chang'e 5

Box indicates Chang'e 5 lander on the basaltic plains of Oceanus Procellarum ("Ocean of Storms") on 02 December 2020 09:54 EST (14:53:55 UTC). The lander is the bright spot in the center of the outline. Image is 1210 meters wide; north...

Published on 04 Dec 2020

Keeps on Roving!

Keeps on Roving!

Arrows indicate Yutu-2 (left) and Chang'e 4 lander (right). Rover tracks are faintly visible between the lander and Yutu-2. LROC image acquired 18 October 2020, M1357657468LR, enlarged 2x [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 01 Dec 2020

Apollo 12 Fifty-first Anniversary

Apollo 12 Fifty-first Anniversary

LROC low-altitude image of the Apollo 12 landing site. The Lunar Module descent stage, Apollo Lunar Science Experiment Package (ALSEP), and Surveyor III spacecraft are all visible along with astronaut tracks. Image is 275 meters wide,...

Published on 13 Nov 2020

Happy Halloween from the Moon

Happy Halloween from the Moon

Happy Halloween from the Moon! This smiling jack-o'-lantern shaped crater is Gauss W. Formed by volcanic activity and cratering, check out this festive featured image! Gauss W Crater (34.62° S, 80.82° E) is 18.5 km across; NAC...

Published on 29 Oct 2020