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Drew enns posts 72
Bright and Dark Ejecta

Bright and Dark Ejecta

A relatively recent impact event distributed ejecta across the lunar surface. Smaller craters punch through the ejecta to reveal a darker substrate. LROC NAC M139782204LE, image width is 500 m [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 10 Sep 2013

Regolith all the way down?

Regolith all the way down?

A small crater hides a bench of bedrock within its walls. Boulders sit just outside the rim. LROC NAC M1624467033R, image width is 800 m [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 05 Jun 2013

Small Bouldery Crater

Small Bouldery Crater

A small crater sporting a healthy population of boulders and a higher reflectance surrounding ejecta blanket [LROC NAC M1120363462L, image width is 500 m [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 10 May 2013

Dating an impact

Dating an impact

Some boulders are exposed in an impact melt sheet. How can these boulders help geologists understand more about the timing of impact? LROC NAC M1120322807L, image width is 1600 m [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 02 May 2013

Debris on the Slopes of Benedict Crater

Debris on the Slopes of Benedict Crater

Debris flows on the slope of Benedict crater, note material that collected in small depressions. Boulders stand out as bright dots on the landscape. LROC NAC M112031488R, image width is 1200 m and downslope is to the upper right...

Published on 01 May 2013

Volcanic Vent

Volcanic Vent

This unassuming textured surface surrounding a smooth tongue of material is likely a volcanic vent. LROC NAC M181495512L, image width is 1500 m [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 01 Apr 2013

Off-centered deposits

Off-centered deposits

Impact crater exhibiting boulders clustered off center, the crater also has a poorly defined rim. What could be the cause of these distinctive features? LROC NAC M1117124706L, image width is 900 m [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 29 Mar 2013

Small Crater Ejecta

Small Crater Ejecta

Fifty meter diameter crater with a bright ejecta blanket that extends several crater radii. The darker interior of the crater could be a melt pond. Image width is 1000 m, LROC NAC M1117189620R [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 28 Mar 2013

Numerov's Graben

Numerov's Graben

Normal faults in regolith formed graben in Numerov crater. Only a handful of small craters superpose the faults, indicating a young age. LROC NAC M171619370RE, image width is 600 m [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 14 Feb 2013

Wrinkle Ridge in Mare Crisium

Wrinkle Ridge in Mare Crisium

A complex wrinkle ridge in Mare Crisium at low Sun (illumination is from the right). Boulders occupy the tops of mounds on the west ridge, and the central depression is more heavily cratered than the ridge. LROC NAC M146573730RE, image...

Published on 13 Feb 2013

A Lunar Dichotomy

A Lunar Dichotomy

This NAC frame exposes two seemingly different lithologies of rock; one dark with several craters, and one light with few craters. What are we observing? LROC NAC M1113062041RE, image width is 700 m [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 12 Feb 2013

Crater on a Crater on a Crater

Crater on a Crater on a Crater

A small unnamed crater sits on the edge of a larger crater. LROC NAC M1107532088RE, image width is ~1000 m [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 20 Dec 2012

Petavius Crater

Petavius Crater

An outcrop exposed in the central peak of Petavius crater revealed in large fracture. LROC NAC M1107889912LE, image width is ~840m [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 18 Dec 2012

Picard Crater Impact Melt

Picard Crater Impact Melt

Cracks in a terrace on Picard crater's wall indicate the terrace was flooded with impact melt. The cracks probably formed during cooling of the impact melt as it solidified. LROC NAC M1107917713RE, image width is ~1300 m...

Published on 11 Dec 2012

Ghost crater in Mare Imbrium

Ghost crater in Mare Imbrium

A high reflectance line curves through a flat portion of mare basalt. The line is elevated relative to the basalt and is populated with bright boulders. LROC NAC 1098979692LE, image width is 1700 [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 07 Nov 2012

Egede A crater channelized melt

Egede A crater channelized melt

Impact melt from nearby Egede A crater formed channels as it flowed one kilometer down slope. Cracks in the melt probably formed as a result of cooling and inflation. LROC NAC M175204950LE, image width is 500 m [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State...

Published on 06 Nov 2012

Byrgius A ejecta

Byrgius A ejecta

A mix of boulders and impact melt lie just beyond the rim of Byrgius A crater. Image width is 1000 m, LROC NAC M1101631740LE [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 04 Oct 2012

Recent Debris Flow

Recent Debris Flow

A debris flow in Couder crater shows signs of geologically recent activity. Note the two distinct units within the deposit (white and grey). Downslope is to the upper right and image width is 1000 m, LROC NAC M1101817103RE...

Published on 03 Oct 2012

Impact Melt Deposits On A Crater Rim

Impact Melt Deposits On A Crater Rim

A grooved surface is covered by a sheet of impact melt that has several parallel scarps. Two blocky craters superpose the melt and might be low velocity self-secondaries. LROC NAC M1097865095RE, illumination is from the lower left...

Published on 02 Oct 2012

Veneer of Melt

Veneer of Melt

A veneer of impact melt rock erodes away just north of Newcomb crater, in the lunar highlands. LROC NAC M162026367LE, image width is 700 m [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 14 Sep 2012