Featured Images

Gruithuisen Domes - Constellation Region of Interest
A small rille hugging the contours at the base of Gruithuisen Gamma, at the contact between the dome and the surrounding mare. Image is 1.6 km wide, illumination is from the left, NAC frame M104776541R [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
Published on 08 Jun 2010

Epigenes A
A plethora of boulders surrounds braided flows of impact melt along the inside wall of crater Epigenes A. As the melt moves toward the crater floor (direction indicated by white arrow), the flow buries and moves boulders. Epigenes A is...
Published on 23 Oct 2009

Asymmetric Ejecta
Distinctive asymmetrical ejecta surrounding a 140 meter diameter crater in the lunar highlands. Crater is located on the northeastern rim of the eroded (pre-Nectarian) crater Hommel at -52.9° N and 34.6° E. Image width is 600 meters and...
Published on 13 Oct 2009

Aratus CA
Subset of uncalibrated LROC NAC frame M104447576R showing Vallis Lorca, one of four lobes that make up Aratus CA in western Mare Serenitatis near the Montes Apennius. The Sun is shining from the lower left, image width is 1924 meters...
Published on 02 Oct 2009