Featured Images

Wrinkled Planet
Intricate fault patterns enhanced by dawn lighting in Seares crater (Sun is shining from lower right). North is up, image width is 2800 meters, M130681684LR [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
Published on 02 May 2011

Right Angle
A section of a lobate scarp inside Karrer crater. NAC frame M145557281R, incidence is 71°, image is 0.64 m/px [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
Published on 10 Mar 2011

Slipher Crater: Fractured Moon in 3-D
Over time, the surface of the Moon fractures and buckles as it cools and shrinks, resulting in spectacular landforms. Stereo images provided by the LROC NAC allow a detailed look at these amazing features; view is to the east,...
Published on 12 Oct 2010

Floor of Tsiolkovskiy - Constellation Region of Interest
LROC NAC view of boulders on an outlying rampart of the complex central peak of Tsiolkovskiy crater within the Constellation region of interest. The image is roughly 700 m wide (LROC NAC frame M113107391L) [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State...
Published on 30 Apr 2010

Aitken Crater Constellation Program Region of Interest
A lobate scarp in the mare basalts of Aitken crater on the lunar farside (arrows). Aitken crater is one of the fifty regions of interest in NASA’s Constellation Program. The smooth mare basalts that flooded the floor of Aitken crater...
Published on 12 Jan 2010

Pull Apart - Grabens
Graben are common extensional features on the Moon as well as the other terrestrial planets and icy satellites. This graben (700 m wide) formed within a larger graben (1700 m). Illumination is the from the left (NASA/GSFC/Arizona State...
Published on 16 Dec 2009

Rima Ariadaeus - A Linear Rille
The linear rille Rima Ariadaeus is found on the nearside of the Moon, nestled between Mare Tranquillitatis and Mare Vaporum. Most linear rilles are believed to represent tectonic faulting and can be used to determine stratigraphic...
Published on 28 Sep 2009

The Moon in 3D
Spectacular view of Lee Lincoln scarp obtained in stereo by imaging off-nadir (looking off to the side) from two adjacent orbits. Scene is approximately 2.7 km across [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
Published on 21 Jul 2009