PSR Atlas: NP_848260_0353190
PSR data | |
PSR ID | NP_848260_0353190 |
Lunar Features | Byrd D Crater, Byrd C Crater |
Cent. Lat. | 84.826 |
Cent. Long. | 35.319 | Area (km2) | 31.907 |
Perimeter (km) | 30.840 |
Pixel Scale Range (m/pix) | 2-20 |
Coverage (%) | 100 |
Data Quality | 0 |
Features of Interest | 2014-045 (M1147027654L): 35.041, 84.772 (S314 L1076) - high reflectance streaking on northward facing crater wall due to boulders & 35.231, 84.863 (S170 L758) - mound structures and hummocky, melty crater floor |
Notes | |
Associated Images |
M1096092140L M1096106432L 2012-241: M1100800845L 2012-269: M1103172311R 2012-296: M1105515308R 2013-083: M1118754002L 2013-110: M1121111748L M1121111748R 2014-018: M1144681174L M1144688308L M1144688308R 2014-045: M1147020605L M1147027654L 2014-046: M1147063247R 2015-035: M1177693642L M1177693642L M1177693642R M1177693642R 2015-335: M1203622909L M1203622909R 2015-362: M1205971804L M1205971804R |