Pits Atlas: Tycho 5a

Impact Melt pit: Tycho
Name Tycho 5a
Lat. -42.6199
Long. 348.6332
Desc. Southwesternmost of a ~kilometer-long chain of pits and other collapses, and the only one in the line that does not have an obviously round-bottomed or mostly-filled-in floor (no floor is visible in available images?) . S wall may be steeply sloped, not truly vertical, or there may be a bit of floor visible in M139979870R. At the NE end of the chain, it turns into a series of fracture-associated pits. There is also a possible ~5m wide pit 25m east of this one, and Tycho 5e is out of the line of pits ~85m to the SE of Tycho 5a.
Terrain Impact Melt
Host Feature Tycho
Funnel Min. Diam. 35
Funnel Max. Diam. 54
Inner Min. Diam. 21
Inner Max. Diam. 31
Azimuth 70
Depth 22.0
Depth 1 21.6
Depth 2 >23.0
Depth 3 N/A
Best Stereo Left M1206074763R
Best Stereo Right M1206074763R
Clipping Width 200
Other IMGs M111661378L
Data Warning
Entrance Ramp Y?
Overhang ?
Nearby Pits? Y
Nearby Fractures? N
Nearby Depressions? Y
In Dome N
Beside Dome N
In Depression N
Colinear Pits Y
Colinear Depressions N
Colinear Fractures N
Tycho 5a Shaded Relief
Tycho 5a Shaded Relief
Line 15209
Sample 882
Inc. Angle -41.33
Emission Angle -0.22
Time 12.36
Resolution 0.5
Inc. Angle 50.91
Emission Angle -0.02
Time 10.11
Resolution 0.49
Inc. Angle 49.22
Emission Angle 15.16
Time 9.98
Resolution 0.57
Tycho 5a Stereo