Pits Atlas: West Marius Hills Pit

Mare pit: Marius Hills
Name West Marius Hills Pit
Lat. 13.5507
Long. 301.8267
Desc. Diamond-shaped pit, SW side is a ramp from rim to floor. Floor seems bowl-shaped except for a hint that the SE edge of the floor slopes back down towards the wall, possibly indicating an extant or former overhang on that side. There is a large linear collapse nearly in line with this pit's long axis ~2km NW, crossing a wrinkle ridge, possibly indicating the presence of a partially intact lava tube.
Terrain Mare
Host Feature Marius Hills
Funnel Min. Diam. 70
Funnel Max. Diam. 95
Inner Min. Diam. 47
Inner Max. Diam. N/A
Azimuth 55
Depth 16.0
Depth 1 15.5
Depth 2 >13.0
Depth 3 >10.0
Best Stereo Left M1313401618L
Best Stereo Right M1313401618L
Clipping Width 200
Other IMGs
Data Warning Depth 1 is to center of pit, others are to partway down floor.
Entrance Ramp Y
Overhang Y?
Nearby Pits? N
Nearby Fractures? N
Nearby Depressions? Y
In Dome N
Beside Dome N
In Depression N
Colinear Pits N
Colinear Depressions Y
Colinear Fractures N
West Marius Hills Pit Shaded Relief
West Marius Hills Pit Shaded Relief
Line 26290
Sample 3877
Inc. Angle 42.99
Emission Angle 1.99
Time 9.25
Resolution 0.8
Inc. Angle 28.05
Emission Angle 0.71
Time 10.36
Resolution 0.91
Inc. Angle 13.17
Emission Angle 0.51
Time 11.64
Resolution 0.44
West Marius Hills Pit Stereo