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Mare posts 104
Not Your Average Scarp

Not Your Average Scarp

A scarp winds through a region of mare. NAC M166223945L, image width is 700 m [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 29 Mar 2012

 Mare Crisium: Failure then Success

Mare Crisium: Failure then Success

Luna 24 landed on the northwestern rim of a 64 m diameter impact crater, on the volcanic plains of Mare Crisium. Enlargement of lander at lower left, NAC M174868307L [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 16 Mar 2012

Bulging Wrinkle

Bulging Wrinkle

"Bulging" wrinkles extend from the north edge of Mare Tsiolkovskiy. Sunlight is from right side, image width is 610 meters, NAC M161475783L [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 11 Jan 2012

Tectonics in Mare Frigoris

Tectonics in Mare Frigoris

A mare wrinkle ridge transitions to a highland lobate scarp in Mare Frigoris. Illumination is from the lower-left in this 2.9 km wide mosaic of LROC NAC images M107069913L and M107069913R [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 12 Oct 2011

Follow the highlands-mare boundary in Tsiolkovskiy!

Follow the highlands-mare boundary in Tsiolkovskiy!

Northeastern portion of Tsiolkovskiy crater, highlighting the boundary between mare and the highlands. Asterisk notes location of NAC inset; LROC WAC monochrome mosaic, 100 m/pixel [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 28 Sep 2011

Ghost Crater in Southern Mare Crisium!

Ghost Crater in Southern Mare Crisium!

Crest of a wrinkle ridge in Mare Crisium lined with boulders that have most likely weathered out of the summit. LROC NAC M150138095LE, image width is 500 m [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 23 Jun 2011

Jenner Crater: Mare Flooded Floor

Jenner Crater: Mare Flooded Floor

A nascent 15 km wrinkle ridge in Jenner crater. Wrinkle ridges help lunar scientists understand the stresses affecting a region. LROC NAC M115693540LE, image width is 1350 m [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 21 Jun 2011

Dark-haloed crater in Mare Humorum

Dark-haloed crater in Mare Humorum

Dark- and light-toned lunar soils contrast sharply in this striking image of a dark-haloed crater in Mare Humorum (24.8°S, 45.0°W). NAC image number M140203430R; incidence angle 24°; Sun is from the north; north is up; image is ~450...

Published on 07 Jun 2011

Crater in Mare Humorum

Crater in Mare Humorum

This crater, located in Mare Humorum, is relatively fresh and very bouldered. LROC NAC M157851844LE, image width is 500 m [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 24 May 2011

Slice of Mare

Slice of Mare

Wedge-shaped asymmetrical ejecta pattern surrounding a ~1 km diameter mare crater. Image M154799629R width is 2 km and north is up, 0.5 m/pixel scale [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 20 Apr 2011

Brisbane Z's Australean wrinkle ridge

Brisbane Z's Australean wrinkle ridge

A beautiful wrinkle ridge within Brisbane Z crater in Mare Australe. Image width is 500 m and illumination is from the left, LROC NAC M134714924L [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 14 Apr 2011

Bouldery crater near Mare Australe

Bouldery crater near Mare Australe

Low Sun image of a fresh crater in the lunar highlands. Boulders are scattered within and around the 550 m crater. Image width is 950m, LROC NAC M150062296R [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 13 Apr 2011

Crater rim of Flamsteed P

Crater rim of Flamsteed P

Boundary of buried crater rim and mare basalt at Flamsteed P crater. Illumination is from right, incidence angle is 60°, image width is 500m [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 06 Apr 2011

Small crater in Oceanus Procellarum

Small crater in Oceanus Procellarum

This unnamed 740 m diameter crater has bouldery walls and is morphologically similar to many <1 km diameter craters in the mare. Image width is 847 m, LROC NAC M127328861L [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 22 Mar 2011

Archimedes - Mare Flooded Crater!

Archimedes - Mare Flooded Crater!

Contact between Archimedes crater wall (bottom left) and floor (upper right). The floor is smooth and relatively flat compared to the sloped and rough elephant skin textured crater wall. LROC NAC M119883761, image width is 800 m...

Published on 02 Mar 2011

Exposed Boulders in the Aitken Mare

Exposed Boulders in the Aitken Mare

Boulders eroding out of the hillslope and concentrated between two hills. NAC image M143480262, image width is 700 m [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 26 Jan 2011

Wrinkle Ridges in Aitken Crater!

Wrinkle Ridges in Aitken Crater!

Mare basalts and hummocky ejecta both displaying wrinkle ridges in Aitken crater. NAC M105730242, image width is 1.6 km, Sun is from upper left [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 20 Jan 2011

Small crater at the southern rim of Menelaus

Small crater at the southern rim of Menelaus

LROC Wide Angle Camera mosaic of Menelaus crater at the boundary between Mare Serenitatis and the highlands (dotted line). Broad ejecta rays extend along the mare-highlands boundary and also in the NE-SW direction. In this image, the...

Published on 27 Oct 2010

New Views of Lunar Pits

New Views of Lunar Pits

Spectacular high Sun view of the Mare Tranquillitatis pit crater revealing boulders on an otherwise smooth floor. Image is 400 meters wide, north is up, NAC M126710873R [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 14 Sep 2010

Central Peak/Mare Boundary

Central Peak/Mare Boundary

The central peak of Tsiolkovskiy crater is surrounded with mare basalt. This NAC frame shows where boulders rolled down the central peak and onto the mare basalt (note the boulder trails). The central peaks of larger lunar craters like...

Published on 25 Aug 2010