Pits Atlas: Tycho 16

Impact Melt pit: Tycho
Name Tycho 16
Lat. -43.102
Long. 347.7799
Desc. Irregular pit in the top of a positive feature/between some linear-ish depressions. Floor is somewhat rounded, and walls have several protrusions. North wall is a slope almost from the surface to the floor. S wall is extremely steel slope to floor. West wall appears solid (albeit tiered) in slewed image. East wall is unseen. There is a fracture system with some large openings ~300m to the west. No linear features are in line with the pit.
Terrain Impact Melt
Host Feature Tycho
Funnel Min. Diam. 48
Funnel Max. Diam. 68
Inner Min. Diam. 40
Inner Max. Diam. 60
Azimuth 165
Depth 18.0
Depth 1 17.6
Depth 2 >20.0
Depth 3 >8.0
Best Stereo Left M1182543691R
Best Stereo Right M1182543691R
Clipping Width 200
Other IMGs M188313427L, M188320575L
Data Warning Only one non-slewed image shows floor, but shadow in that image is near lowest point.
Entrance Ramp Y?
Overhang N?
Nearby Pits? Y
Nearby Fractures? Y
Nearby Depressions? Y
In Dome Y
Beside Dome N
In Depression N
Colinear Pits N
Colinear Depressions Y
Colinear Fractures N
Tycho 16 Shaded Relief
Tycho 16 Shaded Relief
Line 33160
Sample 4199
Inc. Angle -55.3
Emission Angle -2.12
Time 14.43
Resolution 0.67
Inc. Angle 58.76
Emission Angle 1.49
Time 9.02
Resolution 0.68
Inc. Angle -75.95
Emission Angle -1.91
Time 16.61
Resolution 1.05
Tycho 16 Stereo