Pits Atlas: Klute W 4

Impact Melt pit: Klute W
Name Klute W 4
Lat. 37.8581
Long. 216.8911
Desc. An elliptical pit at the north end of a ~60m long linear depression. Another ~60m segment start ~70 NE of the pit's segment, in line with that segment, ending when it runs into a small rise. There is another ~150m long linear depression, with some cliffs along it, ~100m to the SE. There appears to be a small boulder filling much of the south end of the pit. A slewed image (M171488353L) may be showing a few meters of overhang to the west.
Terrain Impact Melt
Host Feature Klute W
Funnel Min. Diam. 12
Funnel Max. Diam. 16
Inner Min. Diam. 5
Inner Max. Diam. 6
Azimuth 10
Depth >8.0
Depth 1 >7.0
Depth 2 >5.0
Depth 3 >7.0
Best Stereo Left M143201144L
Best Stereo Right M143201144L
Clipping Width 200
Other IMGs
Data Warning There seems to be a lit floor at 4.2 m depth in M140840176R, but the shadow edge does not agree with the sun direction. If it is a floor, and not wall, then the depth is ~4m, but there is a deeper section.
Entrance Ramp N
Overhang Y?
Nearby Pits? N?
Nearby Fractures? N
Nearby Depressions? Y
In Dome N
Beside Dome N
In Depression Y
Colinear Pits N
Colinear Depressions N?
Colinear Fractures N
Klute W 4 Shaded Relief
Klute W 4 Shaded Relief
Line 23163
Sample 2316
Inc. Angle 39.63
Emission Angle 1.04
Time 11.67
Resolution 0.62
Inc. Angle -37.05
Emission Angle 3.06
Time 12.38
Resolution 1.49
Inc. Angle 43.94
Emission Angle 1.38
Time 10.5
Resolution 1.58
Klute W 4 Stereo