Pits Atlas: Southwest Mare Fecunditatis Pit

Highland pit: Mare Fecunditatis
Name Southwest Mare Fecunditatis Pit
Lat. -6.7521
Long. 42.7595
Desc. Very narrow, deep pit at the base of a large steeply sloped funnel. Limited off-nadir imaging shows no sign of walls, and floor is visible under a few meters of overhang. Funnel is ~30 m deep and extends out to ~30m from the pit, putting its average slope at ~45 degrees, with a fairly sharp upper edge, similar to the Highland 1 and 2 pits. There are some possible outcrops on the NW side of the funnel. The pit ~ 1km from the edge of Mare Fecunditatis, in a kipuka of highland material. There are no notable features in the immediate area, though there is a large graben ~6 km SW.
Terrain Highland
Host Feature Mare Fecunditatis
Funnel Min. Diam. 79
Funnel Max. Diam. 90
Inner Min. Diam. 15
Inner Max. Diam. 19
Azimuth 95
Depth 51.0
Depth 1 50.9
Depth 2 50.1
Depth 3 >51.0
Best Stereo Left M1108003923R
Best Stereo Right M1108003923R
Clipping Width 200
Other IMGs M167926438R, M1319799718R
Data Warning
Entrance Ramp N
Overhang Y
Nearby Pits? N
Nearby Fractures? N
Nearby Depressions? N
In Dome N?
Beside Dome N
In Depression ?
Colinear Pits N
Colinear Depressions ?
Colinear Fractures N
Southwest Mare Fecunditatis Pit Shaded Relief
Southwest Mare Fecunditatis Pit Shaded Relief
Line 27618
Sample 4929
Inc. Angle 7.49
Emission Angle -0.31
Time 11.71
Resolution 0.73
Inc. Angle 9.42
Emission Angle 0.08
Time 11.49
Resolution 1.01
Inc. Angle -17.29
Emission Angle 2.8
Time 13.1
Resolution 0.76
Southwest Mare Fecunditatis Pit Stereo